
Overige landen welke (nog) niet in de lijst voorkomen. Of stel hier niet land gebonden vragen.
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Bericht door Kimji »

Fort Sagres, gelegen "links onderin Europa" Zuid-Westen dus. Het fort is gebouwd in de 16e eeuw.


Torenelement met 2 klokken.

Op de muren kanonnen, die de kust bewaken.
Berichten: 714
Lid geworden op: 02 feb 2009, 18:31

Re: Portugal

Bericht door Martijn »

Dit valt waarschijnlijk niet direct in het interessegebied van de meesten hier, maar toch een paar plaatjes. Het is het kasteel van Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal.
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"Normal is not the norm.
It's just a uniform."

Delain. 'We are the others'
Berichten: 1783
Lid geworden op: 13 nov 2010, 16:46
Locatie: Brecht / België

Re: Portugal

Bericht door rony »

Heel mooi Martijn, op zulke plaatsen kan je tenminste prachtige foto's maken
vanuit alle hoeken en plaatsen. Daarentegen een bunker heb je al met één kiekje ;)
I'll Come Back.
Berichten: 4129
Lid geworden op: 13 feb 2008, 18:48
Locatie: Utrecht

Re: Portugal

Bericht door AvB »

Is dit in de 19de eeuw mooier gemaakt dan het eigenlijk was? Met al die torentjes?
Nicht ärgern - Nur wundern!
Berichten: 714
Lid geworden op: 02 feb 2009, 18:31

Re: Portugal

Bericht door Martijn »


voor zover ik weet niet. Het kasteel zoals het er nu staat is een samenstelling van bouwstijlen uit verschillende perioden. Daarnaast heeft het een keer in brand gestaan en hebben er verschillende restauratie-werkzaamheden plaatsgevonden.
Dit alles heeft tot gevolg dat er veel verschillende structuren en vormen in het bouwwerk te herkennen zijn. De torens echter zijn, voor zover ik na kon gaan, geen later toegevoegde versiering. De spitsen zijn ook niet van hout en leisteen ofzo, maar gemetseld.

Ik heb (nog) geen tijd gehad om het kasteel van binnen te bekijken, misschien binnenkort nog eens kijken...
Je hebt niet voldoende permissies om de bijlagen van dit bericht te bekijken.
"Normal is not the norm.
It's just a uniform."

Delain. 'We are the others'
Berichten: 714
Lid geworden op: 02 feb 2009, 18:31

Re: Portugal

Bericht door Martijn »

Afgelopen zomer heb ik een bezoek kunnen brengen aan Peniche, waarbij natuurlijk ook het daar aanwezige fort is bekeken.
Onderstaande tekst afkomsting van wikipedia

Background: Castle Village

At the time of independence from Portugal, the island of Peniche stood about a hundred steps from the mainland, near the mouth of the São Domingos river. The action of ocean currents and winds, over the centuries, led to siltation of this waterway, from the sands to form progressively a string of dunes, consolidating, joining the island of Peniche to the mainland, thereby eliminating the Port of Atouguia.
The ancient site of Ribeira d'Atouguia at the mouth of the river, was one of the main Portuguese ports of the Middle Ages, privileged access point to the country's central locations (Lisbon, Obidos, Torres Vedras, Santarém and Leiria). Being a constant target of attacks of English privateers, French and Barbary Pirates, King Manuel I of Portugal (1495-1521) instructed the Count of Atouguia the development of a plan for the defense of that stretch of coast, which was presented to her successor, John III of Portugal (1521-1557). Work began in 1557, with the construction of the so-called castle of the town (a bastion structure) under the supervision of D. Luis de Ataide. It was completed around 1570, to the reign of King Sebastian of time (1557-1578).

War of Restoration and fortification bastion

In the context of the independence of the Restoration War, the Earl D. Jerome de Athayde pursued Peniche fortification works under projects of the French military engineer Nicholas of Langres and later the Portuguese João Correia Tomaz, which were completed around 1645 .

This fortification was assisted by the Fort of Consolation Beach and the Fort of São João Baptista, forming an extensive defensive system which however proved ineffective during the Peninsular War against the Napoleonic invasion of 1807, having remained occupied by French troops between late this year and August of 1808. The invaders improved the defenses and stung the arms of Portugal at the main gate of the fort.
Occupied by British troops under the command of William Beresford, further improvements in defenses were made, which was repeated under the reign of Miguel de Portugal (1828-1834), culminating in the expansion of the defensive perimeter. The fortification however still proved weak during the Portuguese Civil War (1828 to 1834).

In 1836 two disastrous events occured: first, a fire that completely destroyed the so-called Governor's Palace (which would never be recovered). Second, an explosion of gunpowder stored in one of the lockers.

In this century, due to the progressive loss of its defensive function, its facilities began to be used as a prison (the time of the Napoleonic invasions) and later as political imprisonment (time of the Liberal Wars, both for liberals want to absolutist).

The twentieth century to the present day

At the dawn of the twentieth century the fortress was used, after the British victory in South Africa, as a shelter for the Boers who were refugees in the Portuguese colony of Mozambique. At the time of World War I (1914-1918), it held Germans and Austrians, becoming, during the Portuguese Estado Novo (1930-1974), a political prison.

At dawn on 18 to 19 December 1954, the imprisoned leader of the Communist Dias Lourenço, managed to escape through an opening of 20 x 40 cm that was sawed in a cell door pad, then down 20 meters to the sea wall with a rope made of sheets torn into strips. The makeshift rope broke, causing him to fall overboard. He was dragged off by the reflux of the waves. With much effort, exhausted, he could however reach land and escape.

On January 3, 1960, takes place the memorable "flight to Peniche," starring Alvaro Cunhal, Joaquim Gomes, Carlos Costa, Jaime Serra, Francisco Miguel, Jose Carlos, Guilherme Carvalho, Pedro Soares, Rogério de Carvalho and Francisco Martins Rodrigues thanks to the connivance of a republican guard who used chloroform on a colleague responsible for supervising the prisoners. The guard in question led the fugitives, one by one, crouched under his cloa, to a darker section of the wall, from which they descended to the outside with the help of a rope made of sheets.

On April 25, 1974, at the outbreak of the Carnation Revolution, the fort was a major goal of the revolutionary military action. After this it was being used as a shelter for returnees of the Portuguese overseas former territories in Africa during the decolonization process.

Since 1984 only one of the three strong pavilions was open to the general public as Municipal Museum, displaying its most orderly way of heritage: archaeological, historical and ethnographic (bobbin lace, parts devoted to fishing and shipbuilding). Then improvements have been made in so-called core of the Resistance, with restoration and environmental reconstruction as a political prison (individual cells and visiting rooms). In the latter, visitors can see the cell where the General Secretary of the Portuguese Communist Party Alvaro Cunhal was imprisoned. The museum is visited annually by about 40 thousand people.
Je hebt niet voldoende permissies om de bijlagen van dit bericht te bekijken.
"Normal is not the norm.
It's just a uniform."

Delain. 'We are the others'
Berichten: 2178
Lid geworden op: 18 feb 2008, 11:36
Locatie: Festung IJmuiden

Re: Portugal

Bericht door Ruud »

Forte do Bom Sucesso.
2x7,5 cm.
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Bunker Archief IJmuiden
Berichten: 8
Lid geworden op: 30 jun 2024, 22:18

Re: Portugal

Bericht door Nuyt »

Moderne fortificaties en kustbatterijen zijn er nog altijd te vinden rond Lissabon en rond de entree van de haven van Setúbal. Tot aan het einde van de Koude Oorlog in gebruik. Hier een filmpje voor een idee: https://arquivo-cave.defesa.gov.pt/details?id=17636
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